Saturday 5.01.10

Snatch Balance, 155lbs, 090217 from Exploring Fit on Vimeo.

The Snatch Balance is a skill transfer lift assisting with the development of a Snatch. It helps you get stronger in the bottom part of the lift and confidant dropping under heavy loads.

Santch Balance 1RM

Max Rounds in 30:00 of:
- 1 Round of Cindy
- 35m Walking Lunges
- 35m Sprint

Post weights and rounds to the comments section. bc

And a big shout out to Danyel running her half marathon today! Good luck! We know you'll do great!

Friday 4.30.10

For proper depth in the back squat, the crease of the hip must go below the knee. This diagram illustrates proper depth. Most people judge "parallel" when the upper leg is parallel to the ground. This is not full range of motion and will set you up for strength imbalances and injury.
Back Squat 3x5
5 Rounds for time of:
- 4 Handstand Push Ups
- 8 Ground to overhead (135/95)
- 12 Burpees
WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, remember these are three sets of 5 reps at the SAME WEIGHT. After a good warm up, start working your way up with progressively heavier weights until you find your work set weight. Trainers will assist you with finding the appropriate weights.
For the metcon, if you have to substitute for HSPU's do pike push ups as high as possible. Ground to overhead means anyway possible. Power clean to press, clean to jerk, deadlift, to reverse curl, to press: however you can get the bar off the floor and over your head. Burpees are full 6-count burpees with a maximal effort jump on each rep.
Post weights and times to the comments sections. bc

Thursday 4.29.10

This is an example of BAD running form. The heel is about to strike first which will send send shock waves all the way up the body leading to injuries over time. The lead foot striking the ground out in front of the body will act to slow the runner down with each step. The rear-leaning posture will not allow gravity to work in his favor, so the runner will be working harder to go slower. The rear leg shooting too far out the back indicates the foot was on the ground too long, which means more friction, which slows you down.

Shoulder Press 3x5

5k run. Compare to 3.20.10.

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, after a good warm up, perform 3 sets of 5 reps with a maximal weight. No leg drive, no knee bend!

For the metcon, remember this is NOT a leisurely jog. This is meant to be an all out effort like all our WOD's so that when you cross that finish line you could not possibly run any more, then record that huge PR on the white board and in the comments section.

Wednesday 4.28.10

The bottom position of the clean. Notice her high elbows, upright posture, and deep squat position.

Clean 1rm, the 5x1 at 85% of your max for the day.

Tabata Mash Up:
- Burpees
- KB Swings (53/35)

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, work up to your max clean for the day. Then, take 85% of that number and do 5 singles with it. Take what rest you need while working up to your max, but try and keep the rest periods to 60-90 seconds for the 5 singles at 85%.

For the metcon, do 8 rounds of :20 of max rep burpees, :10 rest, :20 of max rep KB swings, :10 rest for 8 total rounds. The burpees should be full 6-count burpees with a max effort jump. The swings should be full American swings (KB overhead) unless you are limited by shoulder issues. In that case do Russian swings.

Post weights and Tabata scores to the comments section. bc

Tuesday 4.27.10

It doesn't have to be like this to be "as rx'd" but I would like to see it!

Pull Ups 3x5
Ring Dips 3 x max reps (in between sets of pull ups)

"21's" of:
- Double Unders
- Abmat Sit Ups

Compare to 2.05.10.

WOD Tips:
For this SWOD, find a weight you can get 5 reps with and do that 3 times. If you can't get weighted pull ups, do the most difficult version of a pull ups you can do with the goal of working towards pull ups. Don't forget to practice those ring dips in between sets. They're essential to working towards a muscle up!

For the metcon, check your time from when we did this before and beat it! If you scaled the workout by substituting for double unders, you have two options: use the same substitution and beat your old time, or do actual double unders which may take longer but will be more beneficial in the long run! The sub for this is tuck jumps, NOT single jumps. Single jumps are not intense enough to get the benefits of this WOD!

Post weights and times tot he comments section! bc

Monday 4.26.10

In the late 1800's a simple exercise called the Health Lift was believed to provide the only physical fitness a man needed. The Health Lift was a very simple exercise: pile heavy weights onto a bar and lift it. Workout completed, fitness and health improved- instantly. Today we have another name for the Health Lift: the Deadlift. The name comes from the fact that we are lifting the weight from a dead stop. Name change notwithstanding, it is still of one of the best ways to build total body strength.

Deadlift 3x5

AMRAP in 12:00 of:
- 3 Power Snatches (135/95)
- 6 C2B Pull Ups
- 9 Push Presses (with the power snatch weight)

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, this week we will focus on 3x5's instead of working up to maxes. This means that after a good warm up with the lift, I will pick a weight and keep the weight the same for 3 sets of 5 reps. The weight should be challenging enough that rep four is very demanding, and rep 5 is not a foregone conclusion.

For the metcon, the power snatches are meant to be relatively heavy, so even if you're not doing rx'd weight, do something heavy for you. C2B means chest to bar, and the reps don't count if you don't get it! For the push presses, power clean the weight to start, don't use the squat racks.

Post weights and times to the comments section. bc

Sunday 4.25.10

And this guy doesn't even CrossFit yet. Imagine if he did.


"If you look at our ancestral activity patterns, you can see that we had lots of languid periods of rest interspersed with a few short bursts of very-high-intensity efforts.... I believe in variety and intensity of exercise." -Arthur S. De Vany, professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine, speaking on segment 108 ("Can you really extend your life?") of the PBS’s "Closer to Truth"

The definition of CrossFit that they teach at the Level I Certification is "constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity." However, what does intensity mean to you? Webster's Dictionary describes it as an 'extreme degree of strength, force, energy or feeling.'

Intensity can mean different things; completing reps or workouts at as fast pace is the way most of us think, but that is only one version. Some other ways I have used intensity to increase my fitness is:

1) first and foremost to increase the weight on the workouts, my goal was to be able to complete any workout I encountered at the prescribed weight. (Ex: Men's weight is 95 #, and you (male or female) can complete it at 65 #-try to increase by 5# each subsequent workout till you can complete any workout at that weight)
2) slow down slightly during the workout and ensure you preform each rep as perfectly as possible. (Ex: Squatting below parallel, with a straight and tight back, knees out over toes, etc.-even when completing 450 reps like on "Chelsea")
3) perform the workout to the highest level possible, it may slow down your time, but you will have done more work in the workout which means a greater power output (Ex: you have pull ups so you perfrom chest to bar pull ups now -OR- your can't complete push up workouts with true push ups, but you take longer rest periods and try to complete it before dropping to knee push ups.)

As is stated in the CrossFit article "What is Fitness", 'If you only work your weight training at low reps you won’t develop the localized muscular endurance that you might have otherwise. If you work high reps exclusively you won’t build the same strength or power that you would have at low rep. There are advantages and disadvantages to working out slowly, quickly, high weight, low weight, “cardio” before, cardio after, etc. You must always keep it varied.' CC

Saturday 4.24.10

: Technique: Clean and Jerk

Metcon: Perform each exercise for 2:00 each:
-Walking lunge steps
-Jumping Pull-ups
-Box jumps, 20 inch box
-Double-unders/ Tuck jumps
-Ring dips/ or substitute
-Knees to elbows
-Kettlebell swings, 2 pood/ or heaviest possible
-Tire Flips (light tire)/ Deadlift tire if can’t flip
-Back extensions
-Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
-Rope climb ascents / or Rope Get up from Supine position and straight body

Post reps to comments.

Friday 4.23.10

I wish I started CrossFit this early

SWOD: Jerk 1 RM. Anyway you can jerk it; Push, Split, or Rack.

Compare to 2.12.10

Metcon: "Chelsea"
Complete on the minute for 30 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 Squats

If you can't keep up with the minute pace, then do as many rounds as possible for 30 min. If you have pull ups, challenge yourself and try a few or all rounds as Chest to Bar Pull ups. It translates to greater power output, which in turn provides you with a greater fitness level.

Scores to comments sections.

Thursday 4.22.10

There are many versions of sled pulling or dragging. This is one. Our Strength Workout today will cover another.

Sled Pulls
8-10 rounds @ 60 yards. Start with 45/ 35 lbs. Add weight each round till as Louis Simmons of Westside Barbell states;

"You’ve got too much weight when you’re walking like you’re drunk"

This style of sled dragging is with a double handle held between you legs and below your knees. The torso is bent over, but the chest is high. The strides are long. This is great for building the hamstrings.

Metcon: Complete 6 rounds:

3 Hang Power Cleans @ 80% of body weight
3 Twenty Yard Short Shuttle Runs

*Rest 45 seconds between rounds

**First, start in the middle of a 10 yard distance with one hand touching the ground. The athlete then pushes off their dominant leg in the opposite direction sprinting 5 yards. After covering this distance, as quickly as possible they reverse direction and go 10 yards the exact opposite way. Finally they reverse directions one last time ending the drill at the point where they started. Remember to sprint through the line. Walk back to the starting position and repeat. Remember the goal is maximal efforts on the runs so do not rush through the shuttle drills at half speed, so if you need to take a few seconds to recover between sprints that is acceptable. Max efforts is the goal.

Workouts and photo taken from CrossFit Football. Post weights and times to comments.

Wednesday 4.21.10

Skill WOD: Work Muscle Up/ Ring Dip Progressions. Work with a partner, band, and trainer and work on the skills needed to eventually pull a muscle up. If you have muscle ups, start working on weighted muscle ups, handstand ring push ups, etc. In short, play with the rings!

Metcon: Complete 3 rounds of:
50 yard Suicide Runs
Cones 10 m apart, run to 10m, back to start, 20 m, back to start, 30m and so on to 50m.
*120-180 seconds rest between rounds.
For a description of suicide runs, follow the below link to the CrossFit Football website.

Post Fastest times to comments.

Tuesday 4.20.10

SWOD: Handstand Push Ups 5 x max reps. Plus practice handstand walks and holds

Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
5 Deadlifts 315 lbs / 225 lbs
10 Toes to the Bar

For the SWOD, everyone needs to be upside down for a few minutes even with a partner holding your feet or just leaning against the wall or something.

For the metcon, obviously this one is heavy. It was taken from the CrossFit Football website in honor of the NFL draft in a few days. Yesterday was light for deadlifts, so today go heavy as possible. If you can't complete Toes to the Bar, then do Knees to Elbows.

Post scores to comments section.

Monday 4.19.10

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

SWOD: Weighted Pull Ups, 1 RM
-OR- Strict pull ups, kipping pull ups, or ring rows, 5 x max reps

Metcon: "DT"
Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

For the SWOD, go heavy or go with as many reps as possible using any grip you can.

For the Metcon, we get to honor a fallen soldier whom this workout was named for, so all out effort on this one. Plus it is another workout to prepare us for The Grace Challenge. Use the heaviest weight possible, something a bit heavier than you used on Friday's Clean and Jerk WOD

Post weight, reps, and time to comments.

Sunday 4.18.10

Rest Day! Time to learn about The Challenge.

I know you have been waiting anxiously to see what our FIRST Challenge is going to be. The AMers challenged the PMers to a "Named" Workout (one of the benchmark CrossFit workouts designated with a female or hero name). I looked at all the workouts and at the great achievements everyone has made in all classes. I decided to pick a workout that is difficult for everyone yet easily scalable so that all can participate and still be able to score the competition fairly. I wanted to choose something that taxed everyone's strength, endurance, speed, power, balance, etc.

So I chose the workout "Grace":
Clean and Jerk - 30 reps for time.

Move the weight from the ground, to the shoulders, to overhead anyway possible in the fastest time. The challenge will run as follows:

On Monday, May 3rd, everyone will attend whichever session they please and the Metcon WOD will be Grace. The prescribed weight for men is 135 lbs and women is 95 lbs. If you cannot perform the workout with that weight, then scale the weight to where you can manage it. Complete all 30 reps and record your time. In teams of 10, one AM group and 2 PM groups (refer to whiteboard at the gym for the teams) we will add up your weights used and the times to complete the workout. There will be a 5 second penalty attached to your team time for every pound your team is under the prescribed weight for Grace. The team with the lowest combined time wins.

Example: Team of 10 with 5 females and 5 males:
Prescribed weight= 1150 lbs
Total Weight used= 910 lbs
Penalty for 240 lbs difference (at 5 sec./ pound)= 1200 sec. or 20 min.

For different variations on getting the weight overhead check out the video (and feel free to critique my horrendeous technique):

And this is what Grace looks like when going all out for time:

So get out and practice the clean and jerk. Post questions or comments below.

Saturday 4.17.10

Light technique practice on the power clean.

4 rounds for time of:
-25 Wall Ball shots
-25 KB Swings
-400m Run

For wall ball, use the heaviest ball on the highest target the you can safely handle. That doesn't mean you should be able to do all 25 reps without stopping. Make yourself work harder to reap more benefits! Same for the KB swings! bc

Friday 4.16.10

Ring Dips 5 x max reps
Pull Ups 5rm

Perform 2 clean and jerks on the minute for 15:00.

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, do a set of ring dips, and then a set of pull ups, resting 1:00 to 2:00 in between efforts.

For the metcon, use 70 -75 % of your 1rm, but don't lower the weight once you start. Perform 5 burpees per missed rep at the end of the 15:00. Your score is the time it takes to finish including burpee penalty time. (If you have no penalties, you probably went too light!)

Thursday 4.15.10

Overhead Squats 5, 5, 5
Front Squats 3, 3, 3
Back Squats 1, 1, 1

Max rounds in 8:00 of:
- 5 Hang Power Snatches (About 70% of your 1rm, or 95/65, whichever is greater)
- 20 Double Unders

WOD Tips:
For the squats, we start with the variation most of us can do the least weight with and work up to the most weight. Each set should get progressively heavier from your first overhead squat set until your last back squat set. Set a new back squat 1rm if possible.

For the metcon, we reviewed the hang power snatch yesterday. If you missed it, spend some time going over it during your warm up. The substitution for double unders is tuck jumps. If you don't have double unders, keep working them in your warm ups each day as well. bc

Wednesday 4.14.10

Usain Bolt
Check out his "figure four", good posture, forward lean, and soft knee on the support leg. No wonder he's so fast!

Technique practice: Hang Power Snatch.

8 rounds of:
-100m Sprint
-100m Back Pedal as fast as you can
-1:00 Rest

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, practice the technique but go up to an empty bar to feel whether or not you are doing it right.

For the metcon, sprint all out for 100 m, then immediately back pedal the same distance. You time the rest periods yourself, coaches will keep the overall time. Your score is the start of the first 100m to the end of the last back pedal. Don't run over anyone!

Tuesday 4.13.10

Shoulder Press 6 x 3
Chin Ups 6 x 3

7 Rounds for time of:
-3 Jerks (Use the working weight from your shoulder press today)
-6 1-Arm KB Snatches each arm (44/26)
-9 Box Jumps (24/20)

WOD Tips:
For the shoulder presses, after a good warm up, do 6 sets of 3 reps using no less than your 5rm weight. In between sets, do 6 sets of 3 reps of weighted chin ups, negative chin ups, or the most difficult variation of the chin up for you.

For the metcon, use the same wight as you used for the presses. If you have to use a smaller KB or a shorter box, make sure you use pick the most difficult scaling option. Remember, it's not "as rx'd" if you don't use the right weights and box heights!

Monday 4.12.10

Dead Lift 5rm. Compare to 3.04.10.

3 Rounds for time of:
- 1:00 Burpees (full 6-count burpees, no sprawls!)
- 1:00 C2B Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
- 1:00 HSPU's (Handstand Push Ups)
- 1:00 Rest

WOD Tips:
For the dead lifts, check your results from 3.04.10 and try and beat it by at least 10 lbs.

For the metcon, do as many reps as possible of each movement during the 1:00, resting as needed. record your number of reps per round of all movements, and total reps over all.

Sunday 4.11.10- Rest Day

CrossFit Running, Dr. Romanov and Rowing Gold Medalist Erin Cafaro demonstrate the "Pose" method: Weight on ball of the foot, legs in the "4" position with full body lean, back knee slightly bent.

Saturday 04.10.10

: Technique: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat

Metcon: For Time:
Run 1600 meters (1 mile)
Rest 3 min.
Run 1200 meters (3/4 mile)
Rest 2 min.
Run 800 meters (1/2 mile)
Rest 1 min.
Run 400 meters (1/4 mile)

Time starts when you start the first mile run and ends when you complete the last 400 m. Try to get the best time possible for the 1 mile run and keep the fastest pace possible to the end.

Post times to comments. cc

Friday 4.09.10

Notice the feet driving into the floor, the butt and shoulders on the bench, and a nice curve in the spine.

Bench Press 1rm

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps each of the triplet:
- Chest-to-bar pull ups
- Box Jumps (Advanced: 30"/20", Intermediate: 24"/16", Novice: 20"/12")
- GHD Sit Ups

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, work up to your 1rm, but if your butt comes off the bench and good form is out the window, the lift doesn't count!

For the metcon, if the chest doesn't touch the bar, it doesn't count. If you do jumping pull ups, jump hard and high. You can use the GHD, the roman chair, or the tire for the sit ups. If those are taken, do twice the reps of Abmat Sit Ups.

Thursday 04.08.10

Ryan performing Back Squats at the old "Iron Pit"

SWOD: Back Squat
60 sec. rest between sets. Use about 60-80% of your 1 RM for the weight.

Metcon: "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes:
-Power Cleans x 3 (advanced 135/95, intermediate 95/65, novice 65/35)
-Push Ups x 6
-Squats x 9
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Start over on Power Cleans each cycle.

Post weights and rounds completed for each cycle to the comments

Wednesday 04.07.10

Which photo best portrays the POSE technique?

SWOD: Technique practice: Hang Power Clean + Front Squat

Metcon: 1.5 mile light pole sprints:
Alternate sprinting and walking between each light pole.

For the metcon, start at The Compound, run down Vaca Valley Pkwy, then up Crescent Dr, down North Village Pkwy, and back on Vaca Valley Pkwy towards the gym. Each sprint should be an all out effort till you pass the next light pole. Use the walking portion to recuperate as much as possible. The loop is approx. 1.5 miles. Cover that distance as fast as possible.

Tuesday 04.06.10

Sorry for the late post everyone. Just getting home from the newly formed 7 pm class.

SWOD: Push Press, 3 RM

Metcon: As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
-5 burpees
-10 kettlebell swings (Men: 44-62 lbs, women: 26-44 lbs)

Use the highest weight you can that you can still keep up the intensity with the proper form.

Post weight and rounds to comments. cc

Monday 03.05.10

In the Romanian Deadlift, the barbell is lowered by pushing the hips back. Reaching back to a well-positioned post can serve as a tactile cue for athletes learning the movement.

: Weighted Dips, 5 RM

Use bar, rings, or bench/ box with your legs elevated. If you are still working on body weight dips, then do 3 sets of max reps. Or work on holds in the "up" position for max time.

Metcon: 3 rounds for time:
Deadlift, 10 reps (advanced: 275/ 185 lbs, intermediate: 205/ 135 lbs, novice: 135/ 95 lbs)
50 Double-unders

The purpose of the deadlifts is to go heavy. There are three options for the weights, and they are labeled for advanced strength, intermediate strength, and novice strength. If it is hard to complete the reps with the weight you've chosen, think about doing it one or two reps at a time then taking a break before you just drop the weight down.

Substitute for double unders is tuck jumps. But if you want to work towards your double under goal, then cut the reps in half.

Post weight and times to comments. cc

Sunday 4.04.10

Rest Day.

Check out this article about the dangers of aspartame. It makes those with diet soda addictions (like me) rethink things!

Saturday 04.03.10

SWOD: Snatch practice. Work on technique.

Metcon: Team WOD
With a partner, complete:

-1 mile run
-100 Push ups
-100 Sit ups
-100 Back Extensions
-100 6-ft. Med. Ball Passes
-1 mile run

As a team of two, complete the reps for each exercise before moving on to the next. Only one partner working at a time. There is some down time in this workout when your partner is working and you’re resting, so we want everyone to choose the variation of the exercise that will be the most difficult for you to complete.

For the 1 mile run, split it into 400 m increments.

For push ups try to stay with real pushups (from straight arms to chest fist distance from floor) on the balls of your feet. Before going to knees, try spreading your legs apart further and further, so you are still up in a true push up position, but you have displaced the load of your body.

For situps, shoulder blades touch the floor and elbows hit your knees at each rep.

For back extensions, use the GHD machines and/or large tire before resorting to doing Supermans on the floor.

The med ball passes are basically a Thruster chest pass to your partner (50 each). If you cannot catch the ball safely, let it hit the ground, pick it up from a squat, and pass it back.

Then finish with the 1 mile run in 400 m increments.

Post your partner’s name and team time to the comments. cc

New Class Time

Due to the overwhelming attendance in the evenings, starting Monday, April 5th, The Compound will be holding a new class time at 7 pm Monday through Thursday. And because apparently everyone but us have lives, we will only be holding a 5 pm class Friday evenings.

The new schedule will be:

Mon-Thu: 5am, 6am, 9:30am, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Friday: 5am, 6am, 9:30am, 5pm
Satuday: 9am
Sunday: closed

Friday 04.02.10

Chest to bar pull ups

We are all working on improving our pull ups. The pull up is as functional as any exercise we do and can be utilized as an upper body strength movement, a basic gymnastics movement, or used in repetition for a conditioning workout.

We are "upping the ante" on pull ups, for those who have them already. For those who don't, continue working on what you need to get your chin over the bar. We are starting new goals this quarter and an unassisted pull up would be a perfect gymnastics goal for many to try to complete by 06/31/10.

SWOD: Power Clean, 3 RM

Metcon: 7 Rounds of:
-7 Chest to bar pull ups*
-7 Thrusters with 50% of your 1rm

*The requirements for the CrossFit pull-up are simple yet tough to execute. The pull-up begins from a hang at full arm and shoulder extension and ends, regardless of grip, with the chest pressed tightly to the bar. Pulling the chest to the bar is very hard but encourages fully “opening the chest” and pulling the shoulders back or “closing the back.”

In the early stages of developing a pull-up it is acceptable to bring the Adam’s apple to the bar instead of the chest, but leading with the shoulders forward rather than back is a fault that needs to be fixed long before you are going to get to 30 pull-ups.

Technically correct pull-ups:
• Go from full hang to chest pressing tightly to the bar
• Lead with the chest up and shoulders way back
• Are visually directed, that is, a sight line is chosen that is shortened as the body rises to the bar
• Synchronize respiration to the pull-up: inhale down, exhale up
• Are motivated by trying to drive the elbows down to the ground, not by trying to flex the arm!

Nearly any surface on which you can get even a fingertip hold and hang is a potential platform for pull-ups.